The process by which adults become Catholic and recieve their sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion) is called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. If you are an adult that is seeking these sacraments please fill out the form below. If you have already been Baptized either in the Catholic Church or another denomination and would like to recieve your other sacraments as a Catholic, or become Catholic, please continue to fill out the form below.
The Children’s Catechumenate is the process by which children and youth (above 7 under 18) are prepared to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church. Taking into consideration the children’s ages and levels of maturity, they will receive a basic understanding of Christ and what it means to know and love God. We will provide a space that enables children and youth to enter into a relationship with God and share in the life of their identity as Children of God. The importance of weekly Mass will be stressed along with the ongoing guidance of what it means to live a Catholic life provided primarily by the witness of the parents and sponsor.
Please continue to fill out the form below if the above fits your needs.
If you are seeking to have your child Baptized (and if they are under the age of 7 years old) you can find information about that process by clicking HERE.