In today’s Gospel we see the story being picked up immediately where it was left; Jesus and the disciples. In many translations there will often be found an editorial title for Mark 6:45-52 such as “walking on water” or something similar, which does point to the miraculous act that Jesus performs, but might draw you away from other elements in this pericope that are rich and valuable for our own reflection. The first notable thing we find is in verse 46: “And when he had taken leave of them, he went off to the mountain to pray”. Throughout the Gospels Jesus takes the time to have solitude in prayer. By doing this he is showing us by pure example that it is not just the immediate community of people we are building relationships with, but the one we have with God is that much more important. Our communication with him through our prayer is vital to our ministries and our life in work for the Lord in whatever capacity that might mean for us on the day to day basis. The second thing to notice with this Gospel reading is the very last words; “They had not understood the incident of the loaves. On the contrary, their hearts were hardened.” (Mk 6:52). The disciples have just been with Jesus during the feeding of 5,000 people and now they have witnessed him walking on the open sea to climb into their boat, yet, he knew in their hearts that though they were amazed at these miraculous events, they were still hesitant to devote themselves completely to him in love of who he is and instead they were focused on being witnesses to the miracles. Today we are called to be witnesses of Christ and through that, God works many miracles in our lives. To only focus on the miracles and wonders that God does in our life is a one-sided view of the relationship we are to have with him; we love God as our creator, savior, redeemer, our all and all, he is not simply a miracle worker. He simply IS.
Reflection: How can I avoid a one-side relationship with God?
Lord God, thank you for today and everyday. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Send forth your Spirit Lord that my heart may not be hardened to your love Lord, that I may open it up to your will for me. I pray, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen.