In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus speaking about the attitude that a servant of God should have. “When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do’” (Lk 17:10). The attitude of a servant and disciple of God is a humbling one. It is a recognition that it is through God all things are possible and we are his instruments in his gracious and loving plan. God unconditionally loves us, and the way in which we can reciprocate this love toward him is to obey and follow his will, which ultimately, is the best thing for us. God always has and always will have our best intentions before us, even though sometimes we do not understand his plan for us at the moment. Being his creation, we are constantly called back to him, back to his dwelling of love. Currently we are traversing the wild and mysterious journey of life on earth. It has many difficulties and obstacles, yet our goal is clear; unity with God in the beatific vision in heaven among the saints. We must realize that it is through his love and mercy that we are able to have this revelation, it is through him that we are able to experience all that we have in our life, and it is through him that we are saved from ourselves and our fallen nature.
Reflection: How am I a servant of God?
Lord God, thank you for today and everyday. Thank you for your love and mercy. Oh God, send forth your Spirit that I may know that it is through you that all things are possible. Allow my heart to be opened to you Lord, that I might serve and do you will, which is the ultimate good for me. I pray, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen.